Agrifood Technology was proud to once again be an integral part of the Australian Grains Industry Conference (AGIC) on the 28th & 29th July, 2014.
While food fraud is causing concern for consumers, it's also a big problem for retailers and food manufacturers and the industry is responding by ramping up testing regimes and developing new technologies that can identify dodgy ingredients and spot fake food.
Colleagues, friends and families came together this morning to make this year's Biggest Morning Tea the best so far held at Agrifood Technology.
Effective 1st May 2014 Agrifood Technology commenced the exciting new phase of managing the on-site Laboratory testing for Langdon Ingredients.
Members from the West Australian Branch of the Australian Institute of Food Science and Technology visited our laboratories in Bibra Lake on Wednesday 23rd April 2014.
Read more: Australian Institute of Food Science &Technology - Laboratory Visit
Drought conditions can cause a lot of heartache for farmers trying to maintain their livestock.
Do you have Monosodium Glutamate (MSG) testing requirements?
By filling out the survey, you will greatly assist us with understanding your future MSG testing requirements.
Survey Link:
There are occasions when stock will not perform as expected on certain feeds. Milk production may drop back or weight gain is not achieved. There can be a number of reasons for this performance drop.
Read more: Is your feed yielding the production you expected?
The mix of samples sent for testing this year is quite different to this time last year. A lot more cereal crops have been tested as standing crops and windrows with a high number marked as frost damaged.
Agrifood Technology extends its NATA Accreditation on food nutritional panel testing.
Agrifood offers Product Inspection as well as Testing Services
In addition to regular microbiological, pesticide residue and nutritional panel testing, Agrifood Technology has extended its service range to include imported frozen product inspection for one of its country Victoria based clients.
The American Association of Cereal Chemists (AACC) International Check Sample Program is an important quality tool for food-testing laboratories worldwide. The program enables subscribers to assess and strengthen quality standards by evaluating the accuracy and consistency of their test data.
Dental fluorosis is the staining of teeth beyond optimal levels of fluoride while a child's teeth are developing. This occurs when excess fluoride interferes with the formation of the enamel resulting in white patches or line over the surface of the tooth. Sources of fluoride are mainly found from water fluoridation, toothpaste and various food sources.
Food Allergy Week is a national initiative to raise awareness and to support Australians with food allergies, which is a widespread public health problem on the rise.
Species testing is now offered by Agrifood Technology on various meat and food products.
“Do you really know what’s in your meat – is beef really 100% beef?”
Agrifood Technology has recently been granted accreditation by The Grain and Feed Trade Association (GAFTA) as an approved laboratory for analysing grain under the GAFTA laboratory accreditation scheme.
FeedTest provides Fodder testing to the standard Australian Fodder Industry Association (AFIA) recommended formulas and methods.
Agrifood Technology is proud to introduce the addition of another state-of-the-art instrument to its existing array of highly sophisticated analytical instrumentation in the Food Safety laboratory, the Thermo Fisher LC-HESI-MS/MS Triple Stage Quadrupole (TSQ) Mass Spectrometer (MS) system.
Read more: The New Triple Stage Quadrupole Mass Spectrometer
For many years Agrifood Technology has offered its customers analytical services on grain, flour, fresh produce and food products. Agrifood Technology WA has expanded its test scope and now offers an extensive range of Agro-nutritional services.
Read more: Agrifood WA - Specialists in Agro-nutritional Services
Soil acidity (low pH) is a serious concern across large areas of rural Australia, over 65% of the WA wheat belt experiences soil acidity issues.
Carbendazim is a broad-spectrum fungicide widely used around the world to control fungal diseases in crops. Traces of carbendazim have been found in orange products imported from Brazil to the USA, where carbendazim spraying is banned.